Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Donahue Study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Donahue Study - Research Paper Example These empowerment structures strengthen the individuals ability to accomplish things within an organization. This theory was originally meant to be applied to the business realm, but was applied in several studies to health care. Laschinger’s conceptual model is the theoretical framework applied to nursing which was based in Kanter’s theory serves as the theoretical framework for this study. The independent variable in the study is nurses empowerment and the dependent variable is patient satisfaction. These variables are both clearly defined. 5. The review of the literature is clear and relevant. The authors review Laschinger’s concept of empowerment as well as Chandler’s Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire, and explain how the relate to the current study and research methods. Both of these studies have a clear relation to the current study, and a logical explanation for this is given. 7. The sample size used is adequate, but is only taken from a single populations. The results may not be indicative of the general population, because the sample is from only one community. The results only include nurses who chose to respond to the questionnaire, so the method itself introduces bias. 8. Instruments- The instruments used were defined by the authors as follows: Nurse empowerment was measured using the Conditions of Work Effectiveness Questionnaire II (CWEQ-II). The CWEQ-II is a shortened version of the CWEQ, which wasadapted by Chandler in 1986 for use in nursing populations. The CWEQ-II consists of 19 items that measure the six components of empowerment described by Kanter (pg. 3). 9. Ethics- Rights of study participants were clearly addressed in the article. The study involved only minimal risk to participants. They did not involve procedures which require written consent, and approvals from the review board were

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